Fundamentals of Emergency Management

This is an continuation of the “Think Piece”  B. Wayne Blancard wrote a  for an Emergency Management Round table Meeting on March 2007 for the FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI).

This time we are focusing on the Fundamentals of Emergency Management:

  1. Mission:  Safeguarding Life and Property Mission – Public Safety Public Trust
  1. Comprehensive Emergency Management
  1. Intergovernmental Structure
  1. Building Disaster Resistant and Resilient Communities
  1. Building Nationwide System of Effective Disaster Response and Recovery
  1. All Actors:       Building and Maintaining Relationships – Communication, Collaboration, Coordination, Customer Focus and Service, Information-Sharing, Team Building
  1. All Hazards, Functionalism and Anticipating Anything That Could Happen
  1. All Phases — Four Phases of Emergency Management
  1. All Disasters Are Different
  1. All Disasters Are Local First
  1. Disasters Impact Differentially
  1. Integrated Emergency Management
  1. Disasters Are A Growth Business
  1. Emergence Management Is Situated in Political, Social, Economic, Administrative, Historical, Contexts
  1. Professional Emergency Management Is Science and Knowledge-Based – A Full-Time Occupation Which Requires Education, Training, Experience and Continuous Improvement
  1. Models of Emergency Management Organization Matter
  1. Approaches to Emergency Management Matter
  1. Emergency Management Standards and Certification

 I will be going through these in the future, but it is good to know what we will be looking at in the future.

Good Luck and Good Hunting